Sonho simples



Tinha um sonho: acabar com a Guerra, acabar com todas as guerras.

Simples assim, sonho de criança.

Era só explicar direitinho que a guerra mata pessoas. Pessoas de verdade.

Já imaginou?

Pessoas-pais, pessoas-mães, pessoas-amigas, pessoas-filhas e filhos.

Quanta gente iria sofrer!

Qualquer criança podia entender.

Era só chegar lá e falar, mostrar.

E esse era o meu sonho de criança e era o que eu queria fazer da minha vida.


Simple dreams


To end all wars, it was a simple dream she had.

A children’s dream.

And it would be easy, just a matter of explaining, so easy to understand how war kills people.

Father-people, mother-people, friend-people, son-people, daughter-people.

How many were to suffer just because one person’s death?

Any child could understand it. Anybody would agree, it would be such an easy case to make, it was just a matter of showing, of explaining.

This was my childhood dream, it was what I wanted to do with my life.

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